Drive Better Outcomes for Your Entire Orgnization

Decision-making consulting that educates and equips your leaders and teams to achieve the right objectives.

Dysfunctional decision-making can be hard to pinpoint, but there are indicators that you or your team are already seeing.

Leaders and teams struggling to meet their goals and objectives on time

Siloed communication channels and resistance to collaboration or compromise

Overconfidence, distrust, or finger-pointing

Exodus of key talent and high rates of department turnover

Our customized decision-making consulting not only educates your leaders and teams on the decision-making process but also works with them to identify the right objectives, build consensus and create a clear, data-driven plan for achieving their intended outcomes.

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Here's How We'll Work Together

Step One

Assess the Unknown

We use a two-step approach to uncovering your current state. First, we conduct a data-driven survey assessment so your team can safely surface challenges they have previously hesitated to share. Next, we use an anonymized summary of the findings to facilitate discussion forums that explore the challenges raised.

As a result, your team and leaders will:

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    Feel heard and begin to experience relief from ongoing frustration points

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    Develop an awareness of the issues limiting their potential

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    Be inspired to change and participate in the process

Step Two

Align & Define

We align individuals by defining a common goal. Using collaborative working sessions, we develop a clear, simple, and easily applicable objective everyone understands.

As a result, your team and leaders will:

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    Feel a sense of ownership in the process and intended objective

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    Develop a foundation for collaborative and trusting relationships

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    Clearly understand the big-picture purpose and objective

Step Three

Equip & Establish Expectations

Through customized workshops, your team will learn the decision-making tools & techniques they need to collaboratively pursue their objective. Additionally, they will clarify roles and responsibilities within the organization, simplifying your decision-making process and driving better outcomes.

As a result, your team and leaders will:

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    Obtain clarity on their role in the process

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    Understand what types of analysis and questions their role should be asking

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    Gain confidence in their decision-making and ability to support their choices

Step Four


We now create a data-driven plan for applying the insights and tools your leaders and teams have developed. As your teams implement the plan, we’ll guide them through any unexpected roadblocks or friction, so they are equipped to succeed. As they begin achieving positive outcomes, your organization will shift to a culture of confidence and collaboration.

As a result, your team and leaders will:

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    Feel aligned with the organizational objective and confident in their ability to support it effectively

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    Actively implement the proposed solution with a sense of purpose and urgency

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    Be empowered to train their teams to consistently achieve positive outcomes

Step Five

Tuning & Refinement

Recognizing that individuals and organizations evolve over time, we support shifts in culture by monitoring the successful adoption of your program. We assess feedback from anonymous surveys and facilitated discussions and are available to close gaps or work through trouble spots as needed.

As a result, your team and leaders will:

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    Become de facto stewards in the ongoing maintenance of the process

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    Feel affirmed in their role and their ability to make effective decisions confidently and with speed

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    Gain a greater sense of alignment and camaraderie with their peers and teams by strengthening lines of communication

Hi! I'm Jack.

Sitting at the cross-section of problem-solving and human development, decision-making is critical to personal success. But it’s often misunderstood, creating anxiety and contributing to performance issues.

Having conducted thousands of executive interviews as a risk management expert, I found many leaders struggled with making important decisions because they were never given the training or tools for making decisions confidently and at the speed their job requires.

I haven’t just seen this issue. I’ve lived through it.

Early in my career, I was presented with a situation that could have had severe consequences for my client, as well as the firm. It was a critical decision, and I soon realized it was mine alone, as the executives around me struggled with making the final decision.

This revelation shook me to the core, and I felt anxiety wash over me. In that moment, I saw how critical the decision-making process was to my personal and organizational success.

This catalyst has since become The Decision Switch™—a proven methodology and tools that transform how leaders make confident decisions, at the speed their role requires.